Friday, September 26, 2008

more funny shit...

i love it when people try and put their own personal spin on the classics. check this one out...

"Omazing Grace" (no i don't need spell check, lol)

that nigga was using some hellafied improv skills. wow...

moving on to another display of improvisation. a 9 year old boy was called upon to do a solo in church. here's what he did instead...

i'm hoping that he was doing that shit on purpose...

Cuba Gooding Sr. Cooba! lol...

most of u know probably only know him as Cuba Gooding Jr's father and that's cool. most music heads know him as the lead singer of The Main Ingredient, responsible for classic joints like "Summer Breeze", "Happiness Is Just Round The Bend" and "Let Me Prove My Love To You" (otherwise known as the joint Alicia Keys sang over for "You Don't Know My Name").


he tried his hand at the National Anthem. wanna hear it? here it go...

more funny vids coming soon, gotta head to soundcheck at London's Royal Albert Hall real quick...

1 comment:

DJ Rage said...

mmmmmman...hellllll nawwwwww...LMAOOOOOOO!!! Cuba Gooding Sr. was hilarious!!!